National Association of Women in Construction Memphis Chapter
October Meeting
Tuesday, October 20th, 2020 from
at the Fed Ex Construction War Zone Trailer
2885 Democrat
Memphis, TN 38118
*Lunch will be provided. Guests are welcome. Special thanks to meeting sponsors' Federal Express and Medford Roofing.
Due to COVID social distancing requirements, registration will be limited to the first 15 people who sign up. For all others, a free zoom link to the meeting is located on the bottom of this invitation. Masks are required to attend.
Kit Chrighton-Smith, Project Management Advisor Properties & Facilities at Fed Ex, will be discussing Women Build 901 Too, a community based organization that she created whose mission is to expose, educate, and empower women to pursue viable careers in the building trades which deliver financial independence, respect and security.
Brad Kerley, Instructor at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology, will discuss the different opportunities and career paths available in the construction industry.
Join October Zoom Meeting Virtually:
Meeting ID: 811 4601 2899
Passcode: 719681
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Meeting ID: 811 4601 2899
Passcode: 719681
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kAFvhk4BR